
Pastoral Care / Student wellbeing

Every student, every teacher, every year level

At NCC, we deeply value pastoral care and believe it to be an essential component of our culture and programs. Our goal is to promote the holistic wellbeing of our students, encompassing their spiritual, physical, social, and emotional needs.

At NCC, we place great emphasis on pastoral care as an integral part of our culture and programs. Our goal is to promote the spiritual, physical, social, and emotional well-being of our students, and we firmly believe that effective relationships are the foundation of vibrant and vital positive wellbeing that educates both the heart and the mind.

To achieve this, we employ an attachment-focused framework that recognises the power of secure attachments in a child’s life. We acknowledge the importance of family relationships and those with other significant adults. Our staff members, through their professional understanding and authentic Christian beliefs, are responsible for supporting each student.

In our Junior School, class teachers and a pastoral care support worker play a vital role in day-to-day pastoral care, while in Middle and Senior Schools, family group teachers provide daily contact with students. Year level coordinators and Deputy Heads of School oversee the wellbeing of each age group of students, supported by Student-Protection Officers, First Aid Staff, the Director of Student Wellbeing, and the Head of School.

We also offer year level assemblies, Applied Christian Studies classes, weekly chapel services, service activities, year-level camps, and teachable moments to further shape holistic wellbeing. Our value-added programs in each sub-school develop learning and support around topics such as character development, values, purpose, empathy, interdependency as a community, education, responsibility, and self-discipline.

For students struggling with life issues, our staff provides help, empathy, and support. We work in cooperation with parents and guardians and offer assistance with referral to specialist professional wellbeing support when needed.

We encourage parents and guardians to reach out to us at any time and never feel disengaged from this crucial network of support. All staff members are available to our College families to listen, help, and ensure that students aim to achieve their full potential as they study at NCC.

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